Friday 16th June 2017 // 4.30 – 6.30pm

Room WB208
Whitehead Building
Goldsmiths, University of London

Facebook Event


Futurity Now is part of the Against the Slow Cancellation of the Future// Conference organised by the MA students of the Centre for Cultural Studies (CCS).

In a world oversaturated with uncurated digital media, what is the future of art? What place does digital art have in the realisation of our imagined futures? During this ‘Show and Tell’ session, eight emerging digital artists will present their work and explain how they are using their practices to answer some of the new and complex questions arising from our shifting environment and ourselves as digital natives.

If, as Franco ‘Bifo’ Berardi says in his interview for this conference, ‘the slow cancellation of the future is over’ – what is next? If the space we will come to occupy is vacant, then we are now faced with a world of possibilities. Could digital arts contribute to productive dialogues about technology and, in doing so, challenge our conceptions of the future? In order to achieve this, art practice must realise its investigative potential and serve as a tool for reimagining the future. A way in which this change is being set in motion through unconventional uses of technical objects in ways not restricted by futures of the past, but one liberated by our questioning of the present.

These young artists are all bridging the still-expanding gap between two equally human worlds. Their work transcends the supposed dichotomy between the ‘human’ and ‘non-human’. In so doing, they provide synaesthetic experiences of technology, expanding the possibilities afforded by our collaboration with technical objects and the virtual world.


Bob Bicknell-Knight: isthisit?
Samantha Penn and Joe Downing: Washing Machine Challenge
Eleanor Chownsmith: If the Internet Could Dance
Anne de Boer and Eloïse Bonneviot: The Mycological Twist/Rust
Aiste Noireikaite: The Future of Self
Jack Ratcliffe: Crashing Mediated Communications