Thursday 12 July 2018 // 6-9pm
Open to public Friday 13 July until Sunday 15 July // 10am-7pm (Sunday hours 10am-4pm)
Laurie Grove Baths
Goldsmiths, University of London, SE14
Presenting Facets + Highlights as part of Mirror Mirror offers Compiler an opportunity to re-examine work from the past year and reflect on themes and questions raised in the shifting context of the annual MA Digital Culture expo. Twin Pixel, ‘music/encryption boxes’ from Art:Work and the automated online gallery from ≈ Pretty Close ≈ each demonstrate a different approach taken towards investigating the socio-political challenges of digital culture. However, they also mark the changing face of interaction for Compiler, the evolving discourse with their audience, computational processes and each other.
The machine of Compiler is now more than the sum of its parts. Through this direct invitation of reflection from Mirror Mirror, we see that the technical, social and organisational components, which are usually rendered invisible when well-executed, are, in fact, in themselves creative, providing the backdrop for the playing out of the desired dialogue. The study of these internal operations echoes George Yúdice’s ‘collaboration’ (2004), which emphasises the forms of labour involved in any event or project, and suggests the need for a more critical approach and analysis of them.
With the aim of rendering these internal operations transparent to both our audience and ourselves, Facets + Highlights actively uses the conception of memory as the future and past implicated in the present and of the archive as a ‘pledge to the future’ (Derrida, 1995). In doing so, it pokes at the interfaces and intersections of organisational and aesthetic work within Compiler, and reflects them as reciprocal domains of labour.
Derrida, J. (1995) Archive Fever
Yúdice, G. (2004) The Expediency of Culture: Uses of Culture in the Global Era