Wednesday 7 August – Friday 9 August 2024 at V&A South Kensington
Visit the Event Page for more information.

Come along to Drop-in Design: Map it! to explore how to use digital technology to create a map of spaces that mean the most to you.
Play with 3D scanning and terrain modelling, using a range of physical materials to create virtual buildings and sculptures. Your creations will become part of a collaborative digital city artwork.
Get inspired by the places where you live and images from the Tropical Modernism exhibition while learning about digital mapping techniques to quickly generate and manipulate 3D objects.
Explore your sense of place as the city grows – what thoughts, feelings, relationships, connections and experiences you imagine are linked to the city? The city artwork made by families will grow over the week as participants add buildings to the digital map.
All materials will be provided, all sourced sustainably. No previous experience is necessary.